
18 April 2024

Research networks

Seeking to create bridges and ties between Academy, Companies and Civil Society, the LIACOM is a member of several national and international Research & Development Networks (R&D).


Businet is an international network of Higher Education institutions that aims to foster Internationalization, promoting an environment that encourages the sharing of best practices and inter-institutions cooperation.

Businet’s main activities:

  • Research & Development projects
  • Staff and students mobility
  • Course development

The ESCS-LIACOM (faculty and students) participates in two working groups – ‘Communication’ and ‘Marketing and International Trade’.

Working groups:

  • Communications Group
  • Marketing and International Trade

Globcom Project

Globcom is an international network / project that aims to prepare young Communication professionals for a global world. Over the course of three months, virtual teams work together using diverse online communication tools and respond to a global communication challenge presented by a real client. The annual Globcom symposium represents the culmination of that work. After a pre-selection, the shortlisted proposals are presented and the winning team is chosen.

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

The ESCS has established an academic cooperation agreement with the ECO-UFRJ Communication School for purposes of:

  • Joint research
  • Faculty and students exchange
  • Joint seminars and conferences


ECREA-European Communication Research and Education Association is an association and a network of research and education focused on the study and development of research in different fields of communication, namely Organizational and Strategic Communication, Journalism, and Audiovisual Communication. The ESCS is an associate member and has active participation in different sessions and working groups.