New Episode of the CiênciaCom Podcast

[:pt]CiênciaCom é um podcast que dá voz à Ciência, através de entrevistas, conduzidas pelo jornalista Francisco Sena Santos, a investigadoras e investigadores de diversos campos do saber, com particular ênfase no da Comunicação.[:]

Episode 11: Reporting: what it is, how it’s done, and how it’s taught.

CiênciaCom is a podcast that gives voice to Science through interviews conducted by journalist Francisco Sena Santos with researchers from various fields of knowledge, with particular emphasis on Communication.

The guest of this episode is Paulo Moura, a renowned reporter and Journalism professor at the School of Communication and Media Studies, with a vast body of work on diverse subjects, ranging from history to wars, and travel.
What does it mean to be a reporter? What are the challenges and future prospects of reporting today? How is it taught?
Paulo Moura answers these questions and helps us understand the importance of this journalistic genre, which cannot exist without passion, and the fragility of Journalism as a future profession for young students. The guest also shares his experience in war zones, his working methods, his travels, his love of writing, and his thoughts on the future of Journalism.

Available on: Spotify | Soundcloud | Anchor


  • Guest: Paulo Moura
  • Interview conducted by: Francisco Sena Santos
  • Technical direction and audio editing: Nuno Portugal
  • Content production and dissemination: Sara Cura and Marcos Melo

The CiênciaCom podcast is available on the following platforms:
Spotify | SoundCloud | Anchor