Call for abstracts – 2nd International Colloquium on Lusophony in Debate

03 February 2025

Submissions of expanded abstracts for the 2nd International Colloquium Lusophony in Debate are open until February 28th, which will take place in a synchronous virtual format between May 20th and 22nd, with the theme “The media in Lusophony, from Camões to Artificial Intelligence”.

The event, organized by Chrome Photo/GENEM (UNESP, Brazil) and the School of Communication and Media Studies /LIACOM (IPL, Portugal), will publish the best papers in the journals Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social ‘Disertaciones’ (Scopus and Qualis A3) and Comunicação Midiática (Qualis B1). The remaining texts will be published in e-books by Ria Editorial (Portugal).

Submit your proposal here.