ESCS and LIACOM were partners in the 1st Lusofonia Congress

06 June 2024
O 1º Colóquio Internacional Lusofonia em Debate é organizado pelo grupo de pesquisa Chrome Photo/GENEM - Grupo de estudos sobre a Nova Ecologia dos Meios da Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP (Brasil) em conjunto com a Escola Superior de Comunicação Social do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Portugal).

1st International Conference Lusofonia in Debate

Communications Overseas

The 1st International Conference Lusofonia in Debate is organized by the Chrome Photo/GENEM Research Group – Group for the Study of the New Ecology of Media at the São Paulo State University (UNESP) (Brazil), in collaboration with the School of Communication and Media Studies at the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (Portugal).

LIACOM and ESCS were partners in the conference, which featured over 100 contributors. The conference also included the participation of several LIACOM researchers, either as speakers, such as Sandra Miranda, who spoke about “Digital Social Networks and the Dissemination of Hate Speech in Portugal,” or as session moderators, including Maria José Mata, who moderated the panel on “Media and Citizenship”; Fátima Cardoso, who moderated the panel on “Image and Photography”; Jorge Veríssimo, who moderated the panel on “Advertising and Market”; and Júlia Leitão de Barros, who moderated the panel on “History of Communication.”

↦ Visit the conference website.