Laboratory / Mission, Vision, and Objectives

Mission and Vision

LIACOM is a new R&D unit focused on Communication Sciences. It seeks to create a research path that combines applied and lab aspects, fostering an experimental, creative, and innovative environment, with strong connections to people, organizations, territories, and communities.

Rooted in polytechnic education, LIACOM‘s vision is founded on the idea that multidisciplinary and inter-professional collaboration can create significant value. By bringing together researchers and specialists/professionals—such as journalists, advertisers, public relations experts, designers, producers, marketers, among others, LIACOM can co-create and drive value-added solutions and transfer knowledge to the media and communication sector. This, in turn, can contribute to the enhancement and progress of the social and economic fabric of regions and the country.

We believe that combining expertise from researchers across various disciplines with professional profiles in the field of communication is crucial. Additionally, establishing a cohesive network of connections and partnerships with associations and companies is essential. LIACOM‘s strong focus on technology and laboratory work further ensures the success of our research center by providing the necessary conditions and critical mass.

Regulation of LIACOM (EN Version).


LIACOM is based on the following main objectives:

Applied Research

Conduct applied research in communication and media, grounded in a logic of co-creation and collaboration with the business sector and communities.

Research Aligned with the SDGs

Conduct applied research that contributes to fostering democratic, multicultural, inclusive, and sustainable societies, in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Communication as a Strategic Driver of Development

Conceptualize and promote applied communication as a strategic driver for advancing communities, regions, and society.

Share, Stimulate, and Engage

Share, stimulate, and engage researchers, citizens, and the community with knowledge and scientific culture. Presenting itself as an inclusive, collaborative, and transformative approach to science and society.

Themes and Pillars

From an inter- and multidisciplinary perspective, LIACOM brings together researchers with diverse theoretical backgrounds and methodological traditions, organized into two main scientific axes: Media, Culture, and Technology and Communication, Strategies, and Creativity. These axes align with the teaching and research areas that have been developed at ESCS-IPL for over 30 years, laying the scientific foundations and knowledge rooted in communication theory. However, we believe some of these areas are underrepresented, especially in Portugal, within the field of applied communication studies. These areas include, for example, Strategic Communication (Corporate Communication, Public Relations, and Advertising Communication), Marketing Communication, and Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication.

The first, Media, Culture, and Technology, is particularly focused on the following thematic lines:

Climate, Territory, and Sustainability: studying the role of media and their professionals as central elements in mediating the climate and climate change agenda, ensuring the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of territories and their communities.

Democracy, Literacy, and Citizenship: discussing the role of media literacy and active, informed citizenship in creating inclusive, free, and democratic societies.

Technology and Mediation: exploring how technology mediates social relationships, cultural narratives, and the construction of reality, while also questioning its impacts and ethical implications in contemporary society.

The second axis, Communication, Strategies, and Creativity, is mainly focused on the following thematic lines:

Public Interest Communication: envisioning communication with and for communities, playing a crucial role in promoting collective well-being, civic participation, and social progress. This includes issues such as health, gender, discrimination, aging, science, and climate.

Organizational Dynamics and Challenges: addressing new challenges, new forms of governance, and the unstable balance between organizational success and the common good faced by organizations (in a broad sense). Highlighting the strategic role of communication and communication professionals within organizations and their relationship with society, particularly in the business and public sectors.

Strategies, Brands, and Consumption: analyzing consumption, consumers, and consumption practices in their relationship with brands, framed within a unique social, cultural, and strategic communication context.

Laboratory / Organização

Information coming soon.

Laboratory / External advisory board

The External Advisory Board plays a vital role in promoting and ensuring the relevance and excellence of LIACOM, providing independent and specialized evaluation of its scientific activities. It is crucial in supporting the center’s strategic planning, monitoring, producing recommendations for improvement, and offering independent feedback.

Joaquim Mateus Paulo Serra, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Margarida Krohling Kunsch, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Mark Deuze, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nicole d’Almeida, Université Paris-Sorbonne, France

Laboratory / Values and Ethics

An ethical orientation is at the very core of the LIACOM research agenda. This Laboratory puts ethical values and principles at the forefront of scientific pursuits, considering them as paramount issues to firm credibility, legitimacy and trust in the research conducted by all its members.

LIACOM prioritizes ethical principles, integrating them into its core values. These principles, intended to govern research design and methodological approaches and procedures in this Laboratory, include research integrity, transparency, orientation for beneficence and no harm, justice in the distribution of benefits and risks of research, ethical treatment of participants and the responsible use of data, on what concerns data protection, sharing and openness. Its ethical principles and guidelines observe and are aligned with the European Commission guidelines and standards (e.g., H2020 Ethics Appraisal Procedure) and the ALLEA code.

Researchers are encouraged to embrace and adhere to these principles, recognizing their fundamental significance to maintaining rigorous standards in research in the broad field of communication research. From its inception, LIACOM has been committed to these principles, adopting a responsible research and Innovation framework that incorporates ethical considerations into the research design and implementation phases. This framework establishes a foundation of integrity, accountability, sustainability, social relevance, and transparency in research, aiming to promote a positive, inclusive, and responsible research environment for all its members and subjects, groups, or communities with whom they may interact.

To further characterize our ethical approach, it is relevant to address ethical measures and practices adopted at LIACOM.

Concerning ethical measures, two mechanisms are being created. The first is an Ethical Committee, intended to offer guidance and counsel to peers and students as needed, to address research-related concerns and to foster a supportive environment for ethical decision-making. A clear and transparent process will be implemented for ethical approval of research projects, ensuring that all projects undergo rigorous ethical scrutiny before commencement.

The second mechanism is related to training and awareness of ethical issues for the academic community. An ethical training program for researchers, faculty, and students will be developed. Its contents cover EC ethical guidelines, responsible conduct of research, data protection laws (like GDPR), and specific ethical considerations in communication research.

Additionally, awareness campaigns will be developed, to keep ethical considerations at the forefront of research activities. This will take the form of a cycle of Responsible Research Seminars, aiming to mobilize researchers as well as research teams for in-depth reflection and debate over important ethical issues, to ensure awareness of ethical standards through ethical dilemmas, and disseminate best practices.

Strictly articulated and aligned with the abovementioned principles, LIACOM adopted a set of ethical practices encompassing participant recruitment and selection, informed consent, data protection and privacy, data management (data storage, sharing, and destruction), stakeholder engagement, as well as regular monitoring and evaluation.

All the research topics and projects undergo a careful and rigorous scrutiny, to establish and safeguard that the inherent dignity, rights, safety, and well-being are assured, both for researchers, participants, and collaborators. Our commitment underscores a steadfast dedication to ethical conduct and responsible stewardship, ensuring our actions align with our values. Particular attention and adherence to ethical principles and practices are given when dealing with sensitive topics within the communication realm, when addressing vulnerable individuals or populations and when PhD or Master students are involved in research.

LIACOM uses systematically transparent and non-coercive methods for participant recruitment. Diversity, inclusion, and fairness are ethical practices usually adopted and maintained during the selection process of research participants, to achieve a balanced representation of perspectives, beliefs, attitudes, and experiences, minimize bias and enhance the integrity and validity of research outcomes.

Data protection and privacy are also paramount issues. A strict compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in visible in all research activities, especially those involving personal data. Besides securing informed consent, which stands out as a primary and foundational practice at LIACOM, clear and strict protocols were developed to safeguard sensitive information and protect the anonymity of participants whenever possible.

Our data management practices encompass robust protocols for data storage, data sharing, and data destruction. The storage methods were designed to be secure and to safeguard privacy. Responsible sharing practices were adopted, as openness through sharing research methodologies, data, and findings can drive knowledge forward and foster collaborative research. At the same time, these sharing practices respect and uphold privacy and confidentiality issues. The systematic destruction of data after a given period was adopted, to avoid unauthorized access and uphold participant rights and confidentiality standards.

Additionally, there will be a regular monitoring and evaluation of research practices, involving ethical audits of research projects to ensure ongoing compliance with LIACOM’s ethical standards. Also, a mechanism for reporting and addressing ethical concerns or breaches will be implemented.

LIACOM is committed to maintaining an ongoing reflection and dialogue with stakeholders, looking to refine ethical practices and meet the evolving challenges and responsibilities of communication research in a rapidly changing world.

Laboratory / Networks

Information coming soon.

Laboratory / Contacts

Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, Campus de Benfica do Politécnico de Lisboa
1549-014 Lisboa

Tel: 21 711 90 00


Laboratory / Press Kit

Information coming soon.