First Meeting of Young Journalism Researchers

17 June 2024

Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM
Room: 1P1

The First Meeting of Young Journalism Researchers (IEJIJ) aims to be an annual event that brings together students from the Master’s in Journalism program at the School of Communication and Media Studies, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon. The meeting seeks to offer the community of young journalism researchers at ESCS an opportunity to share and discuss ideas and research directions, from topic selection to defining the object of study, methodologies, and the scientific writing process. It is considered essential to foster an environment conducive to academic interaction, allowing students to present and discuss their ongoing work with experts, as well as exchange experiences with peers.

Guest Speakers:
Luís Bonixe (Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre)
João Manuel Rocha (Professor at the Portuguese Catholic University)
Sara Cura (Science Communication Specialist, ESCS/LIACOM)

Format: In-person (online presentations are not excluded)

Session I: Presentation of Master’s in Journalism final project proposals


Session II: Presentation of Master’s in Journalism final project proposals

Lecture on Science Communication, by Sara Cura

Organizing Committee of the Master’s in Journalism:

  • Fernanda Bonacho
  • Filipa Subtil
  • Maria José Mata
  • Joana Pontes

Master’s in Journalism – School of Communication and Media Studies, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon
LIACOM – Applied Research Laboratory in Communication and Media